Toilet Basics

Ready to repair or upgrade your toilet? Learn to identify toilet components and how they function within the toilet. You will be able to troubleshoot and repair the most common toilet problems and save the cost of calling a plumber by taking apart our toilet. NEXT CLASS -> Drywall Basics

Class Details

Class Minutes
Skill Level
Class Type
Tool Skills

Suggested Prerequisites:
One of my favorite learning experience ever. Hands on, kind, and thoughtful instruction that left me confident afterward. I took their toilet repair class after feeling a bit anxious having had some failed DIY plumbing efforts in the past. I left the class excited to take on the job I had in my own home. I replaced every component in my own toilet today and it's working seamlessly. What a dream! Thanks Chris!!

- Jack Marone

✓ Toilet Components

✓ Proper Flange Placement

✓ Plumbing Tools & Material

✓ Disassemble a Toilet

✓ Replace Toilet Parts

✓ Set a Toilet on a Flange